video selfie

Does anyone like going to job interviews?

I sure don’t.

An irrational fear of strangers in glassed cubicles?

Perhaps, but I have also been asked some rather unusual questions, which probably haven’t helped, e.g. if I were a dog, what breed would I be? (And no, the role had nothing to do with animals)

The closest thing to a pet being the family goldfish, I ummed and erred until the intervewer finally spared my blushes, saying that, based on what he had seen so far, I was a Jack Russell!

A series of anger management-style questions followed; what would I do in situations that could potentially make someone angry. Generally placid by nature, I replied I would quietly continue going about my business. The final question was

And what if I came over to your desk, unplugged your computer and threw it out of the window?

Now I’m no psychologist and maybe there are good reasons for asking these kinds of questions. However, I have to admit I found them a bit off-putting, wondering at the end of the interview if those thirty minutes had been used effectively.

Recent interviews have gone a lot more as expected. Until the surprise of

We would very much like to add you to our shortlist of candidates. However, before doing so it is necessary for you to make a video interview of yourself answering the following questions. Please submit your video in the next 24 hours”

It wasn’t, however, the first time I had come across the idea. I had seen a similar thing on a website helping people find internships. They looked like a serious company, but a video just seemed OTT.

I felt quite apprehensive about the whole thing as, generally, I do not participate in other people’s videos and certainly have never made one of myself. However, given the time limit, procrastinating wasn’t an option.

That evening, I locked myself in my room and told my parents not to disturb me. I had some written cues placed on the screen and hit the record button! After some initial weirdness (getting used to talking out loud as if addressing someone), it wasn’t actually too bad. The hardest thing was sticking to the alloted two minutes. In all, it probably took no more than 45 minutes and I went to bed quite happy with it.

The following morning I was greeted with the second part of the online form… another video!

I was pretty annoyed with this, as I thought I had jumped through my hoop for the time being. However, the prospect of making a video no longer troubled me. What was troubling was the new question.

I had a think and googled around but was in dire need of some inspiration. I even asked a friend for advice. This, funnily enough, as is often the case, did not lead to an answer directly but unblocked the problem.

So off I went, into the garden shed this time, and thirty minutes later, hey presto, my second video!

The website I uploaded the video to is run by a separate company Your 3 Minutes (don’t think they’re around anymore). They make some valid points about their business - CVs and cover letters are starting to feel a little worn. It is difficult to see recruiters dispensing with them completely, but I definitely think alternatives will start becoming more popular.