security padlock

If you wonder about the purpose of IAM roles in AWS, hopefully this post will shed some light.

IAM roles

In AWS, an IAM role gives a trusted entity the ability to perform actions on AWS resources in your account for a limited period of time.

The actions the trusted entity can perform are determined by the role’s permissions (a list of IAM policies).

Trusted entities

There are four main types of trusted entity:

  • AWS service (EC2, Lambda and others)
  • Another AWS account (belonging to you or a third party)
  • Web identity (Cognito or any OpenID provider)
  • SAML 2.0 federation (your corporate directory)

Any number of trusted entities can assume a particular role.

You can determine how long they can assume the role for (the duration of an authenticated session), and under what conditions they can assume the role, e.g. the request to assume a role must originate from a prespecified IP address.

Use cases

Third party SaaS provider (also running on AWS)

Suppose you use a SaaS product that checks for security flaws in your AWS deployments. In order to do this, it needs access to resources in your AWS account.

You could create an IAM user with programmatic access and the relevant permissions, and send the IAM user’s secret access key and access key ID to the third party.

The third party could then use those credentials in their application to make AWS API calls to access the resources in your account.

Alternatively, you could create an IAM role and make certain IAM users in the third party’s AWS account trusted entities for that role.

Because they are trusted entities, those users can assume the role, giving them the authorisation to make certain AWS API calls to access your resources.

Custom EC2 application

Suppose you have an application on an EC2 instance which needs to interact with another AWS service in your account, e.g. ECR.

You could create an IAM user with programmatic access and the relevant permissions, and store those credentials on the instance.

You could then use the AWS CLI or an AWS SDK, e.g. Boto3, with those credentials to interact with ECR.

Alternatively, you could create an IAM role and associate that role with your EC2 instance, making the instance a trusted entity.

Because the instance is a trusted entity, certain API calls via the AWS CLI or AWS SDK on the instance are authorised, allowing the instance to interact with ECR.

Benefits over IAM users


Imagine in the SaaS example, you use not one provider but ten.

Each provider needs the same authorisation.

Using IAM roles leads to the creation of one IAM role with ten trusted entities.

Using IAM users leads to the creation of ten IAM users*

What if you used a hundred providers, or a thousand? It is a silly example, but it shows using IAM roles is more scalable.

*You could create one IAM user and give the same credentials to all the providers. What happens if you stop using a provider? You could rotate the credentials and inform the remaining providers. With a separate user for each provider though, you would simply delete the stopped provider’s user.


According to AWS security best practices, you should minimise the number of long term credentials, e.g. access key IDs and secret access keys, in your account.

This is exactly what using IAM roles rather than IAM users does.

In the SaaS example, you also end up creating IAM users in your account who are external to your organisation which is probably something you want to avoid.

Push a Docker image from EC2 to ECR

Okay enough talking, let’s make things more concrete with an example.

We want to push a Docker image on an EC2 instance to an ECR respository.

We are going to do this using an IAM role, rather than an IAM user. In what follows, the AWS region is us-east-1 (North Virginia).

Create an ECR repository

In the ECR console, create a repository ec2-ecr-test.

Create an IAM policy

In the IAM console, create a policy ECRContainerise with description "Allows Docker images to be built and pushed to the ECR repository ec2-ecr-test" using this JSON

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-1:<aws-account-id>:repository/ec2-ecr-test"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "ecr:GetAuthorizationToken",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-1:<aws-account-id>:repository/ec2-ecr-test"

Create an IAM role

In the IAM console, create a role containerise with description "Allows EC2 instances to containerise Docker images":

  • Select "AWS service EC2" as the trusted entity type
  • Attach policy ECRContainerise to the role

Create an EC2 security group

In the EC2 console, create a security group ec2-ecr-test with description "SSH into instance from which to push Docker image to ECR":

  • Inbound: Type = SSH, Protocol = TCP, Port Range = 22, Source = <my-ip-address>
  • Outbound: Type = All traffic, Protocol = All, Port Range = All, Destination = (this is the default)

Create an EC2 instance

In the EC2 console, create an instance ec2-ecr-test:

  • Select AMI "Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03.0 (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-0e2ff28bfb72a4e45"
  • Select instance type t2.nano
  • Select IAM role containerise
  • Add tag with key Name and value ec2-ecr-test
  • Assign security group ec2-ecr-test
  • Select an existing SSH key pair or download a new pair (do not proceed without a key pair)

Make a note of the instance’s public IP address which will be referred to as <ec2-ip-address>.

SSH into the EC2 instance

ssh -i /path/to/my/ssh/key ec2-user@<ec2-ip-address>

Install Docker

sudo yum update -y

sudo yum install -y docker

sudo service docker start

To run Docker commands without root privileges

sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user


Log back in

ssh -i /path/to/my/ssh/key ec2-user@<ec2-ip-address>

Run Docker without root privileges

docker ps

Create and test Docker image

Create a Dockerfile

FROM alpine:latest

CMD ["sh", "-c", "echo hello"]

Build the Docker image

docker build --tag hello-test .

Check it works

docker run hello-test

Check the AWS CLI

Check the AWS CLI is installed and the version is prior to 1.17.10

aws --version

Authenticate to ECR

aws ecr get-login --region us-east-1 --no-include-email

Copy the output and paste

docker login -u AWS -p <my-token>

Push the Docker image to ECR

Tag the Docker image so that it points to the ECR repository ec2-ecr-test

docker tag hello-test <aws-account-id>

Push the image to ECR

docker push <aws-account-id>

In the ECR console, you should see the image with tag v1 in the repository ec2-ecr-test

Clean up

In the AWS console:

  • Remove ECR repository ec2-ecr-test
  • Remove IAM policy ECRContainerise
  • Remove IAM role containerise
  • Terminate EC2 instance ec2-ecr-test
  • Remove EC2 security group ec2-ecr-test